Tyler's Blog

⚡ 2022 Northfield Earth Day Event

Written by Tyler on April 23rd, 2022 at 9:17 pm.

This weekend, Northfield hosted an Earth Day event and I, along with three other EV owners, were invited out to talk about our cars. Despite the rain, turnout was pretty good! We got to talk to a few dozen people who were curious about our experiences, and answered any questions they may have had for us.

I personally love attending these events - the people we talk to are often on the fence about purchasing an EV for their next vehicle, so letting them sit inside and interact with the car helps them to make an informed decision. Getting "butts-in-seats" is the ticket to getting people to make the switch. It certainly was for me, anyway! Once you get to floor the accelerator there's no going back.

04/22 - Northfield Earthday Event

These events are always a lot of fun - getting to meet new people and share our experiences always puts a smile on our faces!

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Hey there! I'm Tyler.

Hey there! My name is Tyler, and I'm an experienced infrastructure engineer, web developer, and cloud administrator.

I have over 8 years of experience supporting companies of various sizes with their networking and support needs.

I am currently going back to school in an effort to earn my bachelor's degree in Network Operations & Security.

I am also a small business owner providing web design, hosting services, and other I.T. consulting offerings to my client-base of over a dozen.

I write about a bit of everything - technology, my hobbies, electric vehicles, and whatever else piques my interest.
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